January 21, 2025
The Honorable Gregg Abbott,
Governor of Texas
Texas Division of Emergency Management
- O. Box 4087
Austin, Texas 78773-0001
Dear Governor Abbott:
The City of Marlin, Falls County, Texas, is, again, facing significant threats to life, health and property due to extreme failures in it’s water distribution and infrastructure system.
At present, there is no water for the citizens and visitors of Marlin to use for any purpose. As you know, Marlin is the county seat for Falls County. For the fifth time, the problem is a large number of leaks, presently believed to be 12 or 13, in the City’s antiquated water distribution system that have caused the City to run out of water with further consequential damages to the City’s water plant, wastewater plant, roads and thorough fares, public buildings including the Fire Department and local Hospital, private residences, commercial buildings, etc. The potential impact of this continuing adverse threat is extreme damage to public health, safety, and property if the threat is not immediately dealt with. This incident, the fifth in twelve months, is of such severity and magnitude that an effective response is beyond the capability of the City of Marlin to control. Further, and frankly, this little rural community is broke and cannot continue to absorb the high costs of band-aid fixes to an antiquated infrastructure.
Pursuant to §418 of the Texas Government Code, I am requesting that you declare a state of emergency for the City of Marlin, Texas, and issue appropriate directives to deal with the emergency; including but not limited to equipment, personnel, additional first responders, public utilities together with emergency funding sufficient to assist our community with its basic fundamental need for water. I understand that funding for these types of emergencies is usually directed to larger and more densely populated cities, but I implore you to consider the plights of a small Texas’ agricultural community. As I understand it, Proposition 6 (SB 28 and SJR 2023) passed on November 7, 2023, and the Texas Water Fund was created for communities with water infrastructure problems and water supply problems exactly like Marlin. Indeed, the City of Marlin should be the poster child/model city for the Proposition 6 funds. Furthermore, I am asking that successive proclamations to be issued and remain in effect until the threat of loss of life, injury, or damage property is contained.
Additionally, I certify that the City of Marlin does not have local funding available to make the repairs needed and to provide these citizens with effective relief. Your assistance in this emergency matter, as it affects the lives, safety and health needs of our citizens would be truly and sincerely appreciated.
Very truly yours,
Susan R. Byrd
Susan R. Byrd, Mayor
Marlin, Texas