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Posted on July 22, 2024



As a result of improvements in the City of Marlin’s water crisis, Mayor Susan Byrd is pleased to announce that the City of Marlin has been reduced to Stage 1 of the City’s Water Conservation and Drought Contingency Plan, Marlin’s residents are required to comply with the following watering restrictions:


Residential Customers:


  • Residential Customers will be allowed to water landscape year-round between 7:00 P.M. and 10:00 A.M. three (3) days a week based on their address:
    • Residential Customers whose address ends in odd numbers (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) water on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday.
    • Residential Customers whose address ends in even numbers (0, 2, 4, 6, 8) water on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.
  • There is NO authorized outdoor water use between 10:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M.. except as follows:
    • Handheld hose with automative shut off feature will be allowed daily; drip irrigation buried six inches or deeper are allowed daily; water use is discouraged on impervious surfaces except for health and safety purposes (example: washing down driveways and sidewalks); Run off of more than ten feet from property edge will be considered water waste.


  • Pools/Water Slides for every day use would be subject to water replenishing on the scheduled water days or via handheld hose with automatic shut off feature.
  • Car washing is allowed on scheduled water days at the times above set out.



Municipal, Commercial and Industrial Customers:


Municipal, Commercial and Industrial Customers (including Hobby and Marlin N-1 Prisons) must submit to the City of Marlin, Attention:  Emergency Management Coordinator, a water conservation plan consistent with water conservation goals periodically set by the Mayor consistent with the reduction goals stated in the City of Marlin’s Water Conservation and Drought Plan consistent with a Stage 1 or two day water plan.  At present, the water conservation goal for commercial and industrial customers is set at twenty per cent (20%).


will remain in effect until further notice.


Criminal penalties would apply in all drought stages.



Thank you for your attention and cooperation.


Susan Byrd, Mayor

City of Marlin, Texas

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