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Police Department
24 hours a day
7 days a week
Call 911 for EMERGENCY

Mission Statement

The mission of the Marlin Police Department is to protect life and property while preserving public peace through innovative crime prevention methods. To effectively address quality of life concerns by a proactive police approach and through community policing initiatives to achieve mission objectives.

Statement of Quality

The Marlin Police Department is an organization comprised of people of integrity, committed to providing total quality police service to its community in an honest, fair, professional and courteous manner.

We will forge a partnership with the community based on mutual trust, confidence, commitment and communication to maintain and improve the quality of life and promote the safe welfare of our citizens.

The members of this agency pledge collectively and individually to constantly grow, develop and engage in reassessment to meet the current and future problems and challenges of our community.

The Marlin Police Department exists to meet the City’s objectives for the safety and well-being of its residents. This mission is accomplished through people and knowledge, our most important resource. In the continuing pursuit of total quality, we are guided by the following values:

Vision Statement

The Vision of the Marlin Police Department is to be an agency committed to excellence with quality service to the community as priority. The agency is a leader in the police profession, with everyone utilizing the philosophy of community oriented policing and problem solving in every task they undertake, striving to partner with the community to work together to improve the overall quality of life that everyone can enjoy.

Every member of the organization is accountable for his or her actions and are responsible to the community for all that we do. Decisions are made in consensus based upon the mission, values and policies of the agency, always mindful to do the right thing. The agency values diversity and treats each other and all members of the community with dignity and respect. Members are committed to the prevention of crime and disorder and provide personalized police service tailored to the unique needs of each neighborhood.

Core values

In service to our community, we embrace and with moral courage, advocate these non-negotiable values upon which our policing is based.


We value human life, safety and dignity and commit to treating all human beings with the up-most respect, compassion and concern.


We value ethical conduct, public trust and commit ourselves to the uncompromising.

Law and constitution

We value our reverence for safeguarding constitutional guarantees, preserving peace, protecting life and commit to maintaining a current knowledge and understanding of the law.


We value diversity and commit to nurturing and welcoming environment of inclusion, in which we recognize the unique skills, knowledge and abilities and background of all the people as our strength.


We value teamwork and commit to cooperative goal achievement through active collaboration and partnerships with the community and with one another.

Continuous innovation

We value continuous improvement of our service to the community and commit ourselves to the pursuit of creative thought and innovation, realizing that well-intentioned failure is a valuable learning tool.

Problem solving

We value the efforts expanding in partnering with citizens to identify and impact the true causes of problems in order to solve those problems for the betterment of ourselves, the agency and the community.


We value the quality of our employees and their ability to do the right thing. We encourage our employees and their ability to do the right thing. We encourage our employees to make decisions based on our vision, mission, values and policies at the level closest to the problem.

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