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Animal Control Officer

The Animal Control Officer is responsible for the oversight of the animal population here in Marlin. He is dedicated to:

Enforcing local animal control laws that protect people, animals and property.

Transporting sick and injured stray animals to locations that can provide aid.

Patrolling busy streets for stray and abandoned animals.

Providing encouragement for responsible pet ownership.

Providing temporary shelter for stray, lost, abused and abandoned animals.

Provides transportation for stray, lost, abused and abandoned animals to a local humane society for further care and adoption.

Near future efforts will include the licensing and identification of pets for responsible pet owners and care givers.

If you are a local pet owner, we ask that you become aware of the local regulations for the pets you posses by visiting the additional pages related to animals here in Marlin.

If you have any additional questions, comments or concerns, please use the “Report an Issue” section on the Home Page to inquire or relay that information or contact the Police Department at (254) 883-9255.

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