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Animal Related Definitions

These definitions have been compiled to ensure that the information in the regulations are clear and understood.


shall mean to mistreat through intent or neglect any animal in a manner that causes or is likely to cause stress or physical injury.


shall mean any living creature such as livestock, fowl, reptiles, amphibians, wildlife, dogs, cats and other creatures commonly owned and know as pets.

Animal Control Officer or Animal Control Office

shall mean the officer or office of the city primarily responsible for the enforcement or regulation regarding animals.

Animal Shelter

shall mean a facility designated by the city council to be used for impoundment of animals taken up by the animal control officers.


shall mean the City of Marlin by way of Marlin Police Staff or Animal Control Officer.


shall mean a mark made on the skin of any animal which indicates the ownership of the animal; typically used with livestock.


shall mean the male and the female of any domesticated member of the feline species of animal.


shall mean an official summons to appear in court.


shall mean the act of restricting or the state of being restricted in movement.


shall mean the ability or likely to cause injury.


shall mean a workday and shall exclude Saturday, Sunday and City holiday.


shall mean to put to an end, extinguish, kill or do away with.


shall mean usual temperament or frame of mind; a natural tendency, inclination or habit in a person, animal or thing.

Distance between structures

shall mean where a minimum setback or distance between any enclosure for an animal from a residence is required, shall mean the most direct line distance between the two (2) structures.


shall mean the male and the female of any domesticated member of the canine species of animal.


shall mean a liquid containing a coloring matter; to color or stain.


shall mean a charged allowed by law for the service of a public officer.

Fighting Paraphernalia

shall mean equipment, apparatus or furnishings used in or are necessary for a particular activity; used in the struggle or contest of two (2) or more feathered or furred animals.


shall mean a sum of money imposed as a penalty for an offense.


shall include all birds; chickens, turkeys, pheasants, quail, guineas, geese, ducks, peafowl, and other domesticated feathered creatures and non-domestic feathered creatures both male and female.

Governmental Entity

shall mean an agency or political subdivision of the state or an agency or department of the local or federal government.


shall mean disturbing, pestering or bothering repeatedly.


shall mean to feed, provide shelter or otherwise maintain an animal for three (3) or more days.


shall mean a horn like covering encasing and protecting the ends of the foot in certain animals.


shall mean to confine, seize or collect by legal right.


shall mean coverage by contract in which one party agrees to indemnify or reimburse another for loss that occurs under the terms of the contract; the state of having protection from loss.


shall mean to bind together by or as if by a rope, strap or chain to walk or control an animal.


shall mean the maximum total or number.


shall mean, regardless of age, sex or breed, horses and all equine species; mules, donkeys, jackasses, cows, bovine species, sheep, all ovine species, llamas, goats, all caprine species, pigs and all swine species.


shall mean a guard or strap fitted over the animals jaws and nose to prevent biting or eating.


shall mean to fail to give due care, attention or time to; ignore or disregard.


shall mean any animal, male or female, rendered incapable of breeding or being bred; castration of the male or spaying of the female.


shall mean something unauthorized that is obnoxious, annoying, bothersome or injurious to the community or to an individual in relation to him or herself and or ownership or occupation of property.


shall mean any person who has purchased or who owns, keeps maintains, harbors or cares for, has custody or control of one (1) or more animals.

Pens or Coops

shall mean an enclosure used for confinement or safekeeping of which animals are kept.


shall mean a definite portion of real property, real estate or land, together with any appurtenance or buildings.


shall mean a substance having an inherent harmful property which renders it, when taken into the living body system, capable of destroying animal life.

Potentially Dangerous

shall mean shall mean unrealized ability or capacity to cause danger.


shall mean to recover by payment or other satisfaction.


shall mean to move to a different location.


shall mean the forced displacement from one location to another.


shall mean any place of human habitation at any time, day or night, including not limited to, any single or multifamily dwelling, church, school, convalescent center or nursing home.


shall mean the act of giving back something that has been lost or stolen.


shall mean any animal secured by a leach or some sort of confinement within the property limits of its owner.


shall mean pertaining to health or the conditions affecting health, especially with reference to cleanliness, precautions against disease, etc.


shall mean to communicate by means of conventional or arbitrary mark, figure, or symbol giving direction, warning or advertisement and is posted for public view.


shall mean the killing or butchering of cattle, sheep, etc. for food.


shall mean to remove the ovaries and or uterus from a female animal.

State of Pain or Suffering

shall mean the pain, misery or loss experienced; the state or an instance of enduring pain, etc.


shall mean a permanent identifying devise attached to a collar or to the animal.


shall mean to engage in underhand or corrupt dealings; interfere; meddle; alter; damage; or misuse.


shall mean to fasten or confine with a rope, strap or chain to a fixed object.


shall mean any device used for catching game or other animals, as a mechanical device that springs shut suddenly.


shall mean an injection of a rabies vaccine which is approved by the USDA, Veterinary Biologic Division, State veterinarian and administered by a licensed veterinarian or at an approved anti-rabies clinic.


shall mean any person duly licensed to practice veterinary medicine by the State Board of Veterinary Examiners, or who is exempt from such licensing.

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