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Notice: Water plant update 12:25 am

Posted on February 15, 2021


TCEQ continues to work with city personnel. The compressor on hand is NOT working yet. It has NOT fired on. City water personnel are still working to regain full operations. TXDOT has provided notice that due to the compressor being on a trailer, it is unsafe to transport the compressor until daylight when they can assess road conditions. Road conditions are continuing to deteriorate due to snow and ice. As soon as we can get an air compressor, we will be operational again.

We want to make it clear that the electrical outage at the plant, and surrounding areas, was the result of an Oncor power outage 2 miles from our water plant. When the power was restored, a surge took our compressor system offline. This was not the result of human error or lack of planning.

Hon. Carolyn Lofton
Mayor, City of Marlin
101 Fortune St
Marlin, TX 76661

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