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Code Enforcement

The primary functions of the Code Enforcement Department is to address blight, nuisances, and to maintain a clean environment for all citizens in our community.

The mission of Code Enforcement is to promote and maintain a safe and desirable living and working envirnoment, help maintain and improve the quality of our community by administering  a fair and reasonable enforcement program to correct violations of municipal codes and land use requirements.

The main goals are:

  • To facilitate voluntary compliance with City laws and codes.
  • To educate the public in code issues.
  • To work with the citizens of our community to live safely.
  • To address the main complaints of high grass and weeds, litter, bulky trash, substandard structures, junk motor vehicles, and illegal dumping.

We are committed to professional code enforcement that is responsive to our citizens. More information on each of these violation types can by located by referring to the City of Marlin Code of Ordinance.


The Code Enforcement Department’s workload is primarily complaint-generated. The Department receives a substantial number of complaints each year concerning alleged violations of the City Codes.

Each one is investigated to determine whether a violation exists.

To Report an item of interest, please use the “Let Us Know” section to the left of your page or contact the Code Enforcement Officer at (254) 883-1450 extension 1022.

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