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Public Works


Lavonne Lapreze
Public Works Director

8:00 am-5:00 pm
Closed for Lunch
12:00 pm-1:00 pm

Public Works Department




Lavonne Lapreze- Public Works Direct 

Derrick Marshall & Julius Bledsoe - Public Works Supervisor 

The Public Works Department is a service department to the residence and businesses. The Department strives to remain flexible in order to meet the ever-changing needs of the city utilities.

The Public Works Department maintains an extensive system of water, sewer and hydrants. This includes the production and distribution of over 450 million gallons of water per year and the treatment of over 300 million gallons per year of wastewater. That is enough to fill the Marlin Bulldog Stadium at least 5 times per day with fresh water and about 3/4's way per day with wastewater. It also includes the maintenance of the City's over 150 miles of streets, over 55 miles of water lines, over 35 miles of sewer and storm drainage lines, over 150 fire hydrants and over 150 manholes.

The mission of the Public Works Department is to ensure that city facilities, equipment and public areas are properly maintained and to provide outstanding customer service for the citizens and visitors.

The Public Works Department is comprised of six specific Divisions:


General Information, Service Requests, Customer Service.


Contracted with KSA Engineers.




Contracted with IESI for Refuse Collection. Refuse Collection at Hwy 7 location.
Street Sweeping.


Trees, Landscape, and Mowing.


Meter Reading, Water Supply, Treatment, Distribution, Storage and Quality.

Water Sources & Delivery:

Marlin depends on the Marlin Old & New Lakes and the Brazos River Authority for the sources of Water. Marlin relies in its delivery of water from the Marlin Water Plant micro-filtration system funded by the Texas Water Development Board.


All street lights in Marlin are owned and maintained by Oncor Electric. To report problems with street lights, call (888) 313-4747 or go to

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